
World Vision Day with Linsmaster


Pass a free diagnosis and get professional advice in all the salons of the network

To see the top of the Ostankino tower, not to miss a familiar face on the street, to read the fine print in the contract - for people with visual impairments, even simple things may not be available. World Vision Day, which this year falls on October 13, is designed to draw attention to their problems.
Fact: with the help of vision, a person receives up to 80% of all information. Our eyes have amazing abilities: for example, to distinguish up to 500 shades of gray!
Everyone should have the right to eyesight - this principle is guided by the World Health Organization, on the initiative of which the World Sight Day was created. Every year on the second Thursday of October, experts draw public attention to the problems of people with blindness and poor eyesight, and to issues of their quality rehabilitation.
Fact: A person with good vision can see the light of a candle for several kilometers in the dark! According to WHO *, approximately 285 million people have vision problems, of which 39 million do not see at all. Eye diseases affect over 19 million children. About 80% of all cases of visual impairment could be avoided with timely treatment and correction.
Fact: they knew how to check eyesight in ancient times.For example, it was believed that those who can see a small asterisk on the handle of a “bucket” in the constellation Ursa Major have excellent eyesight! Today, Lensmaster, Russia's largest network of optical salons, helps thousands of people maintain good vision and improve their quality of life.

  • In any of the 100 Linsmaster salons located in 11 cities of Russia, there are eye examination services using modern ophthalmological equipment. Not all medical centers can boast of such equipment!

  • Highly qualified doctors and optometrists "Lensmaster" use the latest technology, world standards for vision correction and the experience of the leading holding GrandVisionB.V. (the holding unites the largest optical networks in 43 countries of the world, Lensmaster is also included in its structure).

Thanks to professional equipment and highly qualified specialists, Lensmaster offers optimal vision correction even in the most difficult cases.
See for yourself: in support of World Vision Day, Linsmaster invites you to undergo free vision diagnostics from October 15 to 16 in all of its stores! And throughout October, the action "Two diagnostics for the price of one."
For your convenience, you can make an appointment with a doctor online at
Linsmaster. Your vision is our concern.


Watch the video: Stardust #MadewithKineMaster (January 2025).