
New "Linex for children (r) drops": taking care of babies


The company "Sandoz" presents the long-awaited novelty - Drops "Lineks for children®".

This form of dietary supplement is specially designed for the smallest children.
Immediately after birth, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) begins to form in the baby, and in all children this process proceeds individually. Due to gastrointestinal problems in children, functional disorders such as colic, bloating, unstable stools, or constipation can occur. During this period, it is important to support the emerging microflora with the help of beneficial bacteria - probiotics, while it is important to take into account the characteristics of the child. The microflora of children at risk (premature, after cesarean section, breast-fed or with late attachment to the breast) needs special care, since its formation is more complicated. Also, the use of a probiotic will help support the baby's microflora if antibiotics are prescribed.
"Linex for children® drops "is a probiotic that is suitable for young children with emerging microflora, it does not contain lactose, palm oil, gluten. The dietary supplement contains bifidobacteria BB-12, similar to those found in breast milk.
For young children, a small volume for administration and a liquid form of the product are very important. New Linex for children® drops "is the most suitable form for young children who do not yet know how to swallow solid food.
“One of Sandoz’s primary goals is patient care. Like all of our products, Linex for Children® drops “undergoes a multi-stage quality control and has a high safety profile, which is especially important for babies. And for me personally, as the dad of two young children, the form of product release will be an excellent solution from the point of view of ease of use,” comments Yuri Golovatcher, Corporate Director Sandoz’s relations.
The product does not require storage in the refrigerator even after opening the bottle: the bacteria that make up it reliably retain their beneficial properties due to lyophilization. "Linex for children® drops "easy to use: 1 time per day (6 drops).

    About Sandoz

    The Sandoz company, a division of the Novartis group of companies, is a world leader in the field of generic drugs and bio-analogs, and is constantly striving to increase the level of accessibility of high-quality medical care for patients. The company supplies a wide range of generic drugs that are affordable for patients around the world.
    The Sandoz company has a portfolio of medicines consisting of more than 1,100 chemical compounds with sales of 9.2 billion US dollars in 2015. The company is headquartered in Holzkirchen, Germany. The Sandoz company occupies a leading position in the world both in the field of bioanalogues and in the market of anti-infectious, ophthalmic reproduced medicines, as well as generics used in transplantology.
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